Monday 30 June 2014

History of a music video - Miss Georgiou

Ways in which you can view music videos:
  • Youtube, Vevo
  • Television (Music Channels)
  • Ipod (Itunes)
  • Social networking sites, Eg; Facebook, Twitter. 
  • Computer
  • Phones (Apps)
How music videos were viewed 5-10 years ago:
  • Internet
  • Television (Top of the Pops)
The ways in which music videos can be viewed within the past 5-10 years has vastly changed, as a wider range of technology has developed during this time period. As Internet has expanded and new websites have been created it is now easier to access music videos quickly whenever we desire to watch them. As they have become more incomplex to view they have become more and more popular, is anything compulsory for artists to create. Artists create them as part of there approach to expand marketing and advertisement for their self image to create more profit and contribute to goals such as globalisation.

MTV - Launched on August 1st 1981
Enhanced Music CD - Launched within 1995
Youtube - Launched on Feburary 14th 2005
Itunes - Launched on January 9th 2001
Average budget of a music video - $200,000-$500,000
Highest budgeted music video - Michael and Janet Jackson - Scream ($7,000,000)

Technogology has had a massive effect on the development of music videos because of the expansion of technology has created many different ways to access music videos therefore they have become more popular. Technology such as devices including; Ipads, Ipods, Smartphones, Laptops ect have made viewing music videos more frequent, and technology such as websites including; Youtube, Vevo, MTV, Itunes ect have made it easier for artists to disperse their music videos as they have somewhere to post them.

The worlds most viewed music video on youtube is Justin Biebers 'Baby' featuring Ludacris, which recieved 549 million views.
Rihanna, who is a pop and RnB artist, has over 4.8 billion views and 58 million views per video.

Over time, music genres have changed and progressed to different styles and mixed with different genres. There are many sub genres off of the main genres, which creates a wider variety of styles of music to listen to for audiences, therefore everyone can be entertained.

This post will help me during my planning and production of my music video as it informs me of what genres were most popular within each decade therefore I know my target market and this will make it easier to attract my specific audience. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering the ways in which music videos have changed and developed over the years, but you have only focused on the role of MTV and youtube. The points that you have made are also vague and this is because you have not explored your examples in enough detail. This needs to be developed to explore your understanding further.
