Thursday 25 September 2014

Applying for music copyright - Miss Georgiou

Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country, that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator (e.g. the music video of a song, photograph of a photographer) to receive compensation for their intellectual effort. Within the music industry copy right us used to avoid any conflict between artists and record labels so that all products (songs, videos, pictures etc) are kept unique.

 As part of our planning for our music video we had to send an email to the record label that produced the song, we had to do this because we need their permission to publish our video on youtube. We need their permission because we are using a song they produced in this video, this means they will be associated with any reaction we receive from it. To help keep their reputation positive and products unique they have copyright on all fabrications they have made, if they allow us to copyright we are legally not breaking any laws. We googled their website and there was a link that gave us the information of their email, we then write a email in which we asked for there permission to copyright their song by Paloma Faith. 

We never received a response back from the record label, however we are continuing to plan and film our Paloma Faith music video. We understand that record labels are very busy and have many other important duties that they need to deal with ahead of us. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why it is essential to apply for music copyright before you start creating your music video. Aim to explore the role of copyright further.

    Include your response from your record label, once you have received it.
