Monday 15 December 2014

Group magazine advert - Miss Miller

 As a group we all agreed on creating a new group magazine advert that used elements from each of our individual adverts, we did this because we believed each one had useful and conventional elements of the genre that allowed us to create the most effective advert. It was easier for us as a group to evaluate and reconstruct a better quality magazine advert with a contribution of all our ideas combined. Each of us have different and creative ideas as to how our advert should look however having actually carried out producing the advert we can see which elements from look the most effective and are best to use, we also identified improvements that we needed to make.

From Sophie's individual magazine advert we decided to use the black and white theme for the background to follow the conventions from the soul genre. The black and white background represents how the artist is in a very dark and lonely place, which conveys her sad emotions. The audience can then relate to her situation and this can encourage the relationship built between them, as heartbreak is a very common experience people go through. We also decided to use the layout of the font from Sophie's advert, we agreed to put the artists name at the top of the advert so that fans attention would be grabbed and other viewers would be able to associate the advert with her identity. The artists name is also in the largest font as it represents her character as the most important piece of information within the advert.
From my individual advert we decided to use the image of our artist looking down against a brick wall, we chose this image because we believed it was conventional to the genre as it represents her as regretful and upset. This will help build a relationship with the audience as they will be aware of how much pain the artist is in and can therefore understand this through the lyrics within the songs on the album. We also decided to use the font from my advert as we believe it represented our artists personality as it it quite quirky and different and allows the audience to see what kind of artist 'Sophie Mae' is. However it does subvert from the conventional font used within the soul genre, as normally a more traditional and elegant handwriting font would be used to represent the vintage and personal tone of the music.

We decided not to use any features from Lucy's or Shaun's individual magazine adverts because each four adverts are so unique and different we believed incorporating ideas from every single one would make the final advert to diverse and subvert away from the conventional. As within Lucy's advert the image chosen does not represent the heartbreak and innocence of the artist, which is the main focus and moral of the songs within the album. Therefore viewers would be confused as to what the message of the lyrics is, however we did consider the reflected image to represent the name of the album as we believed this was a creative idea that would attract the audiences attention. 
Within Shaun's advert the font used subverts from the conventional soul genre as it is more appropriate to a heavier and darker genre of music, it would contradict the message conveyed throughout the lyrics of the songs. However we believed that the editing skills used to reflect the album name was very creative and considered adding it into our final magazine advert, we then chose not too as we wanted to keep it as simple as possible to avoid out staging the rest of the advert and drawing attention away from the other elements used.

We then decided on the rest of the elements for our group magazine advert through research into other existing soul genre artists magazine album adverts. Through this we chose to add boarders around the title of the album name, we believe this gave the advert a more professional and organised look, which will grab the attention of viewers. We also decided to add in a star rating from reviewers, having a five star rating would increase the chances of people purchasing the album as it shows how well produced the music is. The colour schemes of the writing stick to the colours used within the image; white, black and pink. Using these three colours avoids any clashing or confusion from the viewers as well as sticking to the conventions of the soul genre. The black colour represents the depressed and negative feelings that the artist is singing about and feels, the white represents the truth and honesty within her music and the pink represents the femininity of her soul and connotes love. 

I believe the image within our final advert is conventional to the soul genre as it represents our artist as sad and hurt which is the message throughout all of her songs and stereotypically all soul material, she is represented as this through her body language and the inability to see her facial expressions. The colours used within our final advert are also conventional to the genre as they each represent an emotion or personality trait of the artist that is typically associated with soul. I believe our advert appeals to our target audience as we have created a trademarked font which will allow the artist to be recognised and she looks very approachable and relatable which will allow the audience to connect with her. Having created our own individual magazine advert I feel much more confident that my group have produced an advert that will be most effective and successful as through combining ideas each element within the advert is creative and conventional.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your group’s advert, summing up some of the elements used within it, and explaining why they are used to an extent.

    You need to:
    1) Fully explain all elements used within your advert, mentioning what they connote and why specifically you have used them to create what impact on your audience
    2) Complete an analysis of each group member's individual advert
    3) Fully explain why this advert will appeal to your TA and why
    4) Elaborate on all points made
