Tuesday 11 November 2014

Group storyboards - Miss Georgiou

The purpose of creating a group storyboard is to collaborate ideas between group members so that we can produce a plan step by step of what we will include in each shot that will be as effective as possible. An image is drawn as to what we think our shot will look like as well information such as; the camera angle, duration, iconography, characters, lighting, setting etc. From this we will know how to set up each shot in chronological order, which will be very time efficient for us, we will know what we need to organise for the next scene which hopefully allows us to be ahead of schedule.

We used primary research from the questionnaires we created and received results from, using the statistics we came to the conclusion on many different areas as to how we would create our music video, for example the setting, inspiration, the themes and the presence of the artist/characters. The secondary research that assisted us in planing our music video was from existing music video within the genre we chose which was soul. Using the
 information we gained once analysing them we made decisions on technical areas such as; the camera shots, lighting and editing, this was useful as it allows us to think of creative yet conventional ways to attract our target audience.

Within our group we decided to share the responsibility by establishing what each member had the best ability in, Shaun and Lucy are the creative two therefore they was in control of drawing the scenes. This meant that they could express how they felt each scene should look in terms of positioning and costume, which was very useful to us as they came up with innovative ideas as well as including suggestions from the rest of the group. Myself and Sophie were in charge of filling out the details of the technical information as we had very clear ideas of how we would carry out Shaun and Lucy's visions, we decided on the camera angles, order of scenes and most of the mise-en-scene. Having created this story board we can begin filming with confidence because we are aware of how and what we will be filming, this allows us to focus on other aspects of the filming.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning and this is because you have not considered your whole music video and have only included an overview of what will be seen in your production, which demonstrates the basic planning.

    Therefore, you need to refer back to your lyric post and aim to consider your whole production and what you would like to include per frame and per second of your production and then re-storyboard this.
