Sunday 2 November 2014

Planning magazine advert - Miss Miller

 The importance of magazine adverts in relation to promoting an artist's album is very important as it is a huge deciding factor as to whether people will be interested in purchasing the actual album itself. If the advert it eye catching and intriguing then people will be more likely to buy it, however if it is unappealing then they will not bother to take a second glance at the album. I will be creating a magazine advert for my artist and I am planning how I will carry this our because there is a long and effective though process into producing a successful magazine album as it needs to be both conventional to the genre, attract the audiences attention and promote the artist. 

Within my plan of our magazine advert I have decided to use an establishing shot for the image of our artist even though this is not the conventional shot to use for the soul genre, typically a close up is used, so that the emotions of the artist can be conveyed to the audience through their facial expressions. However I chose an establishing shot, because I wanted to capture the setting of our music video within the advert, as I believe the setting allows the audience to identify the genre considering the setting we chose is very conventional to the genre as it is a brick wall, this shows how urban and current our artist is.

Within the shot our artist is leaning against a brick, graffiti wall, her body language shows how she is confident and edgy as it is not a very traditional body position, it allows the audience to be aware of her edgy style. Her body language conveys how laid back and free spirited she is, which is a major part of her image from being in the soul genre.

I chose to use bright colours for our artist costume, as this represents her vibrant personality and quirky culture, the colours will also co-ordinate to show that she is a perfectionist through her organisation of colours within her outfit. The bright colours also allow her to stand out against the brick wall within the advert, it emphasises her importance and success within the industry allowing her to seem more desirable to the audience.

Her makeup is quite bold to show how she likes to look after herself, however  not enough to take away any distraction from the rest of the mise-en-scene within the magazine advert.
The font used to write our artists name will be in plain, vintage writing to be conventional to the soul genre, it allows the audience to relate to the artist as she is portrayed as ordinary. This handwriting also will be used to encourage the audience to remember her identity as it is a very distinctive font which represents the artist and impressionable.

From planning my magazine advert before actually making it, I believe it has allowed me to analyse my decisions so that I can notice any decisions I have made and consider how they could be changed to make the advert more appealing to promote the album or conventional to the soul genre. As this has made us reconsider what kind os image to use as the main focus on our magazine advert, we will therefore take images throughout the whole filming stage, using different shots and angels, as well as additional shots that will be more posed for. I feel very prepared in the making of our magazine advert now because I am aware of the importance of each different angle, therefore know I need o capture my artist in many different ways. 


  1. You have provided a minimal analysis of your plan, explaining why you have chosen some elements to use within your advert.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain all the connotations fully
    2) Elaborate on your points by explaining how you want elements used to represent and promote the artist - elaborate on connotations
    3) Remember your artist's name will be different to the artist you are copying! - say that this will be different for your actual advert and you have used this as an example
    4) Cover all bullet points and include a pic of your drawing
    5) break the different bullet points into separate paragraphs to complete a more detailed analysis

  2. Although you have separated your paragraphs and included a picture of your advert, you have not elaborated on your analysis of your ideas, or explained the connotations behind each element fully
