Tuesday 21 October 2014

Magazine advert analysis - Miss Miller

roles The purpose of a magazine album advert is to allow the target audience to be aware of the release of the album, so that they can go out and purchase it. However the advert has to also be appealing so that it can attract people from outside of the target audience, which will result in reaching a wider audience and therefore increase sales. Magazine album adverts also promote the artist so that they can become more familiar and gain a bigger reputation, gaining an advert in a magazine may also encourage the magazine to interview the artist, which means will benefit not only the magazine but the artist as well.

The two album adverts I will be analysing will be Paloma Faiths 'A Perfect Contradiction' album and Adele's album '21'.

Within Paloma Faiths magazine album advert she is represented as both diverse and quirky, the use all of all the different costumes and identities shows how she had a unique style and can adapt to all roles she plays. Having Paloma shot in many different outfits and posing as several different personas may be a strategy to convey how she is relatable to all individuals and that her music is influenced by many people and experiences.
A range of colours are used on her costume and makeup to catch the attention of the readers so that they stay on the page and view the advert, however the main colour that stands out is the bright red hair of the artist. The fact that the artist has her hair this colour shows how she has a bold and quirky personality which she embraces for each character she poses as on the advert. The colour red represents passion, confidence and love, which all are used to express her personality to the audience so that they can understand her better. The robe used to cover her naked body is white, this is because it represents her purity and innocence, which is important to convey as people could misinterpret her image when they see that she is exposing herself. The colour green also stand our as it is used within two of her outfits, this colour is used to represent how she does not follow the conventions of being a female music artist. The colour green is a primary colour that represents her to be individual and independent, the green also portrays fresh and new which can be related back to her music.
The main focus of the advert is that it has been editing to create several Paloma's all dressed differently as the main image, which is placed directly in the middle of the page. This is used as a strategy to make sure the audience remember the identity of the artist and to attract a wider audience by using a variety of characters. The name of the artist is placed at the top of the screen so that it is the first thing the audience see, which will mean that they will associate her name with the magazine and any other images used within the advert. The information on the release of the album and the names of the singles featured on it, is places at the bottom of the page and this is because it will be the last thing the audience will see therefore the date will be fresh in their minds so they will be more likely to remember to go out and purchase it.
The font used for the artist name is quite quirky and vintage as it seems to look like it has been handwritten using ink, therefore relates the artists style and personality as she is representative of the olden times era. The font is also very easy to read, which means the audience will not have complications understanding what has been written and are less likely to be distracted. The colour of the font is white, which allows it to stand out against the image it is over, it is also used to avoid taking any concentration away from the image.
The advert promotes the album by showing the quirkiness of the artist, which will make the audience assume that the music will be similar in style and they will be intrigued to listen. The advert has many different conventions of the soul genre, including the costume, font and colours, it attracts the target audience as it represents all the things in which they are interested in.

Within Adele's album magazine advert, she is not looking in the direction of the camera, which represents her as shy and also portrays her as unhappy. She is looking down so that we cannot see her face clearly, this is used to show the audience how as an artist she does not care so much about her image as she does her music.
Only half of her face is used within the image, this is another way of representing her as modest, this shows how she is humble about her talent as a singer. Adele is a very popular soul artist, who is well known for her melancholy songs that are based on her real like experiences of heartbreak, which means that even using a small image like this will still successfully familiarise the audience with her identity.
The whole advert is in black and white, this represents the old fashioned style which is conventional to the soul genre, the use of no colour avoids any distraction from the main focus of the advert which is the album name and the image and name of the artist. There name of the album '21' is the only thing on the page that uses colour, which is yellow. This is used to make it stand out because it is in the same font and positioning as the rest of the writing, therefore making it a different colour ensures the audience remember the name of the album so that they can go out and buy it. A picture of the actual CD is placed at the bottom of the page, so that it is the last thing the audience see and will therefore be fresh in their memory, it is also is placed on the opposite side of the image of the artist to avoid covering it or stealing any attention away from it.
The font used it very simple and the writing is all in capitals, this is used so that is easy to read which will assure that the audience will read it. It also shows represents the artists personality as very relatable and easy going as she has not decided to use a fancy font which is conventionally used to show off the artists success and confidence.
The advert promotes the album as it successfully follows the conventions of the soul genre through things such as the colour, image and layout, therefore the target audience will be aware of the main sound of the songs and decided to listen to it. The image shows her as weak and hurt, which will make the audience assume this will be conveyed through her music and lyrics, which will make them interested in purchasing the album.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your two music adverts, explaining what the various connotations are of the elements used within each. Make sure you cover all bullet points for both posters and explain points made fully

    You need to:
    1) Cover all bullet points for both adverts (typography, style of language etc)
    2) Explain how each advert is successful (or not) in terms of promoting the album and artist
    3) Elaborate on all points made by fully explaining what each element used creates and why
    4) Include a summary explaining how and why this research was beneficial, as well as mentioning any inspirations you will take on board and include within your own magazine advert (give examples)
    5) Check your spelling, grammar and phrasing of sentences.
