Tuesday 14 October 2014

Planning setting and iconography - Miss Georgiou

Having several different locations in a music video stops the audience from becoming disintrested and stop watching it. The locations encourage the audience to continue watching, as it makes the video fascinating as if the same location was used then it would become predictable which is very boring. The locations are also very important as they help convey the genre of song, for example having a club location would imply that the genre of the song is most likely to be dance as this is where the music is normally played.

Throughout our video we have planned to use both the bathroom and bedroom within a house location,  we have chosen these locations as we believe using a home will convey the personal aspect of the song. The artist is vulnerable and is seen at her weakest throughout the majority of the song, therefore we will show her where she feels the safest by using a home location, which can also allow the audience to gain an insight of the artists true identity and they can connect with her on a deeper level. The location is also very conventional to the soul genre as it tends to aways be used in the narrative theme of music videos, as the love stories are stereotypically filmed throughout the couples home especially the bedroom. The bathroom will represent how she is trying to wash away the feeling of the boys touch on her skin, which she is singing about, the bathroom also represents how she is pure at heart and the feelings she is conveying are real. We will be filming our artist in the bath in this location, when she us surrounded by pictures of her and her ex and this is used to represent her drowning her sorrows.
The bedroom will represent how she is reminiscing on her previous relationship and imagining her ex next to her in bed when she was at her happiest being close to him. The bedroom is used to give the audience a personal insight into her life, as an individuals bedroom is their most personal place. Within this location we will film our artist putting on makeup in the mirror showing her trying to cover up her sadness, we will also be filming our artist in bed with flashbacks of her ex laying next to her.
We are limited by using this location as we cannot perform many different camera shots because of the restricted space, because of this our artist may not be able to express herself in a deeper manor as she cannot move as freely as possible and the shots may not be captured in the most effective way. However we will try our best to think of the best alternatives, which we believe will be if anything more creative and entertaining for the audience.
I dont believe using this location will cause any health and safety risks as it is a very safe environment which we spend a majority of our time in daily surrounded by people only we know and trust.
Whatever weather we are faced with on our scheduled days of filming, we will not be effected as this is an inside location therefore if it was to be windy, rainy or snowing we could carry on with our rehearsed and planned filming.

Our next location would be in Bricklane, we will use this location to represent the quirky and indie style that our artist is apart of, the location has many different settings in which we believe will be suitable for our music video. We believe this is a conventional setting to use in our music video in terms of matching our artists image, as she is very individual and stands out from the crowd, which is a very common desire of the people that visit this location as they belong to the same culture.
We will film our artist singing on a graffiti backdrop, to make her style stand out to the audience as it is quite rebellious, we will also film many of the flashbacks of our artist and he ex from when they was happy in this location. Flashbacks will include normal couple things such as the two characters holding hands, play fighting and trying on products from the shops, this will hopefully fit in with our location as it in in an area where the people are not known for being judgemental.
Limitations of using this location could involve restriction of space as it may be very busy and therefore we would not have much room to film our artist against the wall if others are in the way of the camera. Using this location may also involve catching passers on camera which they may not be happy or consent to using the footage. However we can overcome this by visiting the location during hours in which we believe will be most appropriate for us to film, such as early hours or weekdays.
I do not believe there will be many health and safety risks of using this location as it is a public place in which many people visit daily, however we will be cautious of the environment to assure that bystanders do not interrupt or disturb our filming.
We could face issues with our filming if there is bad weather such as rain or snow as this location is outside however we would overcome this by moving to other similar locations, or finding shops and roads that are better facilitated such as indoors, or underground tunnels which commonly have graffiti on.

To begin with we will be using a large dressing tabel which has a mirror hung in the middle of it and conventional objects placed on top such as candles, flowers and cosmetics. This will be used to show our artist looking in the mirror and applying makeup whilst singing the opening of the song. We chose to use a traditional dressing tabel instead of a common, simple mirror as we believe that the dressing tabel conveys the authentic and vintage look that we want artist to represent. It will also give the scene a stronger sense of a real home rather than a set, which even though it is the audience are unaware of, it is also an object in which many people own themselves therefore the audience can relate to it.
We are also going to use a double bed with very feminine sheets and it will be neatly made. This will be used to show our aritst laying down imaginging her ex laying beside her, the scene will be shot using a birds eye view, therefore the whole bed will be caught within the shot. We are using this object to show the normality of what typical couples would have done together, therefore the audience will be able to relate to this iconography as well. The double bed will be used to emphasise how lonely and hurt the artist is now that she is without her boyfriend, and the neatness will emphasis how she is trying to keep herself together.
A simple, white bath with traditional feet on the bottom will be used within the scene where the artist is in the bath surrounded by pictures of memories she has had with her ex. The bath will be used to show how she is attempting to take part in every day activities such as washing herself yet she still cannot get over her ex. It also represents how she is trying to wash away hes touch as it is causing her too much pain reminicing on her past relationship.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. You have considered the purpose of locations well and have focused on the effect that you will want to create well. However, further discussion of how your points relate to soul conventions is needed to demonstrate further planning.

    Now you need to relate your explanations back to your lyrics, to demonstrate further understanding of why you have selected to use certain locations in your production.
